A lot has been said and written about yogasanas as part of Yoga.In fact, unfortunately, to man, yoga still means just asanas. Pity, for Yoga is a way of life comprising eight limbs leading to holistic living.
The word asana is derived from its Sanskrit root ‘asa – upaveshane’, literally meaning, ‘to sit’. From which it follows that initially the yogasnas was meant for meditative purposes. Over time though, various rishis and connoisseurs of yoga discovered various ways and means of implementing meditation in a variety of postures in daily life. Not just that, as time passed, they even came to realize the therapeutic benefits of this limb of yoga.
The comprehensive list of asanas was not compiled by any one individual. And even though the sage Patanjali is credited with being the father of Ashtanga yoga and many, if not all people, attribute the entire body of yoga to him, it would be a fallacy to fall for. Truth is, yoga evolved over centuries and many great seers and sages contributed their mite to the subject. When and how exactly it came to be compiled in one volume still remains ambiguous, but today we at least have a comprehensive text, the Hathayoga Pradipika of Svatmarama that contains a more or less complete list and description of the whole body of asanas, pranayamas and yogic kriyas, give or take a few.
Yoga Maharshi Patanjali, in his Yogasutras has defined Yoga as ‘Steady and comfortable state means Asana’. (Sthirsukham Asanam).
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Very nice Blog telling the facts about Yogasanas which can certainly make great health experiences. They increase immunity power naturally and prevent many mind and body health problems.